

Sin with Emerald
Few centuries ago
Nature had the superior zeal.
The barbarous 21st century
Seized its enthusiastic feel.

We, so called 'sons & daughters'
Lovingly call upon her as a mother.
Being our mother, has today
Enhanced as her titanic bother.

Tortured, abused, injured & scratched-
Being served as a slave.
Her warmth, charm , sentiments & dignity
We meanly settled in a grave.

Variant tracks she possess
In her lap, for us to nourish.
In compensation, we only led
Our selfishness to flourish.

Satiating our voracity, we established her
As a prostitute.
For decades, she's bearing
Our shootups being mute.

Stripped and stabilized her
As a victim of gangrape.
To our parsimony, we propelled
And bent a shape.

Can't envisage the curtains
It would be so scary.
Let's not forget about nature
It owns a damn brutish judiciary.

Continually, the terminal siren is in roars
Since ages, it's being rang.
This mother-offspring relationship
Popped up on the verge of bang.

If the collapse wins to
Hug these delicate strands.
Within moments, the nature will envelop us
With dire icy hands.