

Now you start to regret,
Your actions of your past,
Now you start to question,
Why didn't I stop you before it was the last?

Look at you!
You are so shameless,
Trying to throw the blame on me,
And try to act as if you're blameless.

Then you start to cry,
You start to whine,
Would you ever stop acting?
I can see you this time.

Let me answer your question,
I know you want me to be seen so heartless, The person who didn't stop her friend from addiction,
And didn't even care when she was in stress.

Let me answer you,
I have tried,
I have tried and I have learned,
That stopping a villian will only burn!

I know it hurts,
But that pain isn't yours,
It's mine because I lost my love,
For a person who isn't worth.

So stop acting!
Stop acting to be the victim!
The drama's over,
Everyone knows you are acting.

You go acting all pitiful,
You shed all of your crocodile tears,
But I knew you wouldn't stop,
As you try to convince others that from inside you are beautiful.

You try to put the blame on me,
No body notices,
But I can see,
What you are trying to be.

Then you come to me acting all hurt, Begging me for forgiveness,
You know, people are watching,
So you act so clueless.

I know God gives second chances,
But look at me, I am no God,
I have nothing more to give,
You lost the only chance you got.

So squat off!
Trying to play with my emotions won't work,
Because I don't care what people think,
I am ready to hear them whisper,
Because I have seen,
They are there to talk,
Only when someone's boat shrinks.

© jas