

A sea of stars, a galaxy ablaze,
A universe, a cosmic maze.
A twisting web, a winding trail,
A path that no one can unveil.
An endless dance, a cosmic game,
A mystery that knows no name.
A journey through infinity,
A story yet to be. 🌠

A place where time and space collide,
Where all of space and time reside.
A universe of endless span,
Where nothing's fixed, and nothing's planned.
A labyrinth of space and time,
Where all of history intertwine.
A realm where nothing's ever sure,
A chaos that's forevermore. 🕰️

Infinite possibilities abound,
A web of worlds that has no bounds.
A tapestry of fate and chance,
A future that's a different dance.
Unlimited potentials lie,
As endless worlds drift through the sky.
A reality that's always new,
With infinite possibilities, too. 🌈

A story for each world is spun,
A tale that's yet to be begun.
A quest awaits in every land,
An adventure at each turn of hand.
A different plot for every place,
A different setting, a different face.
Each tale is waiting to be read,
Each world a new world in your head. 📚

A vast and endless universe,
Where dreams can never disperse.
A realm that's full of endless space,
A dreamscape that defies all trace.
A world that's hidden from our sight,
A dream that never ends the night.
A vision that we cannot leave,
A world that we can never grieve. 🌌

Let's venture out, a quest begin,
To see the wonders of this skin.
A new dimension, a world to behold,
Where secrets hidden stories are told.
A quest that's waiting, to be had,
A tale that's still to be unspun.
So let us seek and let us find,
What this multiverse can unwind. 🎴

© Ebenezer