

cry for the young lads

Oh, the sorrow that grips my heart,
As I see young lads torn apart,
By the whims of big adults, so cold,
Their futures dim, their dreams untold.

Their innocence lost, their hope fades,
As the world around them rages,
Their childhood stolen, their youth disgraced,
Their lives forever changed, their paths derailed.

Their laughter silenced, their smiles hidden,
Their eyes once bright, now dimly shone,
Their hearts once full of joy and light,
Now heavy with the weight of night.

Their futures once full of promise and glee,
Now filled with uncertainty,
Their dreams of happiness and peace,
Now shattered by the cruelty of adults, so callous and unkind.

Oh, how I weep for these young lads,
Their suffering at the hands of fools,
Their potential lost, their lives unmade,
Their hearts forever broken, their souls unshaken.

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