

He smiled down at me, comparing my laughter to the unrealistic beauty of the moon, the mischievous gleam in his ghostly eyes peering deep into my innocence, my laughter fading into the night as I catch his intentions like rain on a stormy night.

My shoulders tense in fear and disgust, my blood chilled waiting on him to make that mistake, that one that might just set off my adrenaline like a timed bomb,

little wolf, little wolf, little wolf,
wake, it's only a dream my father says pulling me to his side,
rendering my fears docile, though. defiant it always listens to my father.
And oh the storms did rage that night,
shall I tell you a secret he whispered in my ears,
I wrapped my tiny fingers around his large callused ones, yes I would like to hear your secret. I whispered tightening myself around him.


That was all he said, listen.

Listen in the light of which you learn,
Listen to the words our forefathers left in the wind
To the tunes left in the rain
The beats left in the earth

Listen in the light of which you learn,
Listen so you might bear witness
the signs which they left,
so you might bear witness to their love and support,
so you might bear witness to their everlasting presence.

Listen in the light of which you learn.

© Ammfak