

What Has Become of the World?
What has become of the world, I sigh,
Where laughter has faded, and dreams lie dry.
Once we danced under skies so blue,
Now we live in shadows, lost and askew.

Look around, the streets are bare,
Children hide in fear, no joy in the air.
The sound of sirens, the echo of pain,
Innocent lives caught in a cruel chain.

Once there were gardens, full of bloom,
Now they're replaced by the threat of doom.
Bombs fall like rain, the earth shakes and cries,
While hope struggles hard, beneath darkened skies.

What has become of love and light?
In the name of power, we’re ready to fight.
Politicians speak, their promises hollow,
As mothers weep for the children they follow.

Families shattered, homes turned to dust,
In the chaos of war, in anger we trust.
Borders drawn tight, hearts filled with hate,
When will we learn, when will it be too late?

The rivers run red, the mountains stand tall,
But where is the peace that should cover us all?
Voices are silenced, the strong take the lead,
While the cries of the weak are ignored in their need.

What has become of our beautiful earth?
Once filled with laughter, now filled with mirth.
Animals flee from their homes in despair,
As mankind’s greed fills the very air.

The news tells stories of battles and strife,
Of lives cut short, of stolen life.
Yet amidst the sorrow, a flicker remains,
The spirit of courage, breaking the chains.

Hope is a whisper, but it still can be heard,
In the hearts of the people, united in word.
They gather together, hand in hand,
Dreaming of peace, a united land.

What has become of the world we adore?
Let’s rise for a future, let’s open the door.
For love can conquer, and hope can ignite,
Together we stand, to reclaim the light.

So let us remember, in this world so vast,
Compassion and kindness must hold us fast.
For in every heart, there lies a spark,
To heal the wounds and light up the dark.

What has become of the world? Let us see,
A place where together, we can truly be.
With threads of forgiveness, and colors of grace,
We’ll build a new future, a brighter place.
© Nishmitha Kotian