

She also have some feelings 🥀Just like you she is a human too❤️
Etch not unto her pliant flesh,
Cruel marks of your monstrous desire,
She bears your atrocities,
With silent rage,
Waiting to unleash her wrath...
You can cut her wings,
Take her smile,
And alas for you
Cuz she still flies is the end.
Having her in circles,
Doesnt do you any good,
But belive me
She still survive
Cuz she is someone more stronger than you.
She is also someone who can feel,
Her feelings matter ofcourse,
But you taking her rights,
Didnt to any good to her.
She is a human
who is desires to live
And surviving through hell
she still stands with bare feet
Holding you in her warm embrace
Cuz yes she is a girl
Who is destined for something good
The fact is
Nothing matters
or bothers her
wheter you are a jerk
or some holy saint
she cant distinguish,
Not cuz she wants, But cuz she tries to see the good in you🥀
© Ishu.writes❤️