

Unblessed Love
Unblessed love, a tragedy untold,
A tale of hearts broken, and tears unfold.
A love that's unreciprocated and cold,
A burning desire that cannot be controlled.

Like thorns on a rose, it pricks with pain,
Leaving scars that forever remain.
A hope that's dashed, a dream in vain,
Lost in the abyss of unrequited love's disdain.

Each night you cry, each day I weep,
Our longing hearts never finding peace.
For fate has dealt a hand so cruel,
A love that's pure, yet not meant to rule.

We dance around each other like fireflies,
But we can't seem to catch one another's eyes.
The love that we share is pure and rare,
But alas, it's not blessed by fate's affair.

Our souls entwined, our hearts ablaze,
Yet the divide between us never fades.
A love that's unfulfilled, yet never fades,
A bond that's strong, but always seems to evade.

Oh unblessed love, why must you be so unfair?
Why bring so much pain and despair?
For those who love with all their might,
Only to be left in sorrow's lonely plight.

But love, oh love, is a force so strong,
That even in agony, it sings its song.
Raise a glass to this love unrequited,
For it's a love that's pure, unabashed, and undaunted.

Unblessed love may bring tears and woe,
But it's a love that forever will grow.
For though it may never come to be,
It lives in our hearts, eternally free.

© Flynn Caulfield

#writco #Love&love #difference