

Burning, searing, emotional wreck,
turning clearly toward more neglect.

Disrespected, weary, painfully yearning,
infected, written off as merely concerning.

Raging, blazing, Calderon of hate,
waging war simply by raising debate.

Inundated, amazing, carefully staging,
insinuated by amply phrasing, plans of engaging.

Ferocious, inferno, spontaneous furnace,
atrocious to endure, so heinous a purpose.

Earnest, innuendo, awfully precocious,
surface so pure around this flaming mitosis.

Immenate, detonation, insanities explosion,
Relent, altercation, one will be chosen,

Corrosion of vows hinder vindications intent,
compassion and adoration, time well spent.

Love, hate, determine the fate,
create your mate, sulten of Satan or angel above?

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