

The Lord and Lady Answered My Prayer with the help of my Father
Today I finally got
a cell phone call
from Jeff.

First, he hasn't received
a social security check in
three months

Well Social Security won't
give him June, July, or August
but he claims September.

He has been on the
streets , he could have
gone to First Stop in
Huntsville to get help

He could have taken a shower
there and talked to a case worker.

The biggest tragedy is
I had to tell him that his
mother passed away.
I wonder why his damn
brothers and sisters didn't tell him.

Jeff is the black sheep of his family. He is rebellious, defiant, anti social to the max, and he will pay the price.

I asked him to stay in touch
because I love him and he knows it.

I am no fool and I won't give him any money.
© ladywicca65