

Beneath the Starlit Sky
Beneath the starlit sky so vast and deep,
A world of dreams and secrets softly keep,
Each twinkling light a story to unfold,
In cosmic tales of wonder, yet untold.

The moon, a guardian of night's embrace,
Casting its silver glow on nature's grace,
It whispers to the flowers as they sleep,
Of moonlit dances where dreams softly creep.

A river's song, a melody so sweet,
Carries wishes on ripples, heartbeats meet,
Its gentle current weaves a tapestry,
Of love and longing, boundless and free.

Among the mountains, sturdy and tall,
Echoes of ancient tales, they enthrall,
They share the whispers of forgotten lore,
As winds sweep past, their legends they restore.

Oh, starlit sky, your canvas painted bright,
With stories woven in the fabric of night,
Guide our hearts to realms of fantasy,
Where dreams take flight, forever wild and free.


© JomyContreras