

Freedom Whispers

Cluttering thoughts spread
Among sea sand of desires,
Highly perverse but pure,
Good to reason but follow the want
For unity and the power of division scattered for-long,
To hate the many and love the few,
The acumen for self-love.
Succumb the unity among bloods,
What shall I do to get back my former state?
I heard the gentle whisper of love,
Singing near the mulberry tree.
Right Before war and Contentions,
I searched and sat there to listen,
The aroma of freedom is arousing
From the midst of darkness,
The rhythm of unity humming the melody of humanity
The accent of togetherness fades
Away the solitude of incarceration
To dust off lamed rights
The ray of freedom coerced the vile of perversity,
By lauding high on hills with integrity and harmony,
Flattery forsakes, Monarchy misleads
But true freedom is free of domination both in equality and love.

#freedom #independence #society #Love&love #india #earth #world #peace #spiritofindependence

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