

Balance me again
trust me I can do it this time
hold tight the leather for me
I can reach the sky
be patient with me
as a man in love
wait until I return
like the waiter at a restaurant
if ever you feel weak
know I will fall and die
therefore take up the long suffering
if truly your intentions are pure
I won't be long
just after a dream so beyond my strength
I think and feel to come down
if I'm heavy for you
taking long with my heart
or love bears all things, hopes things, endures all things ??
I believe I can come down
without a fall but struggle and fear
what to do when I have disappeared into the sky, covered by clouds, no mark
of me
will you let go??
if I'm longer than expected
much more if the rain saturates you,
the weather freezes you up
the sun burns your skin tan
your muscles begin to shiver
feeling a cramp through your limbs
can you get me??
will you consider climbing
king, I believe you either wait or follow
either stay to be true or leave not to hurt
I'm small like an atom
could you afford an AFM??
I mean you ain't gonna search with no interest neither rummage if ain't willing to find
what happens if I'm stuck on the way
no signal,
would your heart be alerted??
like a mother
would you deliberately feel low
time ain't bringing me back
would you bring back time??
© ©MT-Penda