

1. I fell before His throne
I opened up my soul
Told him of all my sins
I cried out all my tears
Jesus saw through my hurt
a past that stood before me like walls
Present and persistently taunting
me myself and I
like demons sometime do
like demons always used to do

2. I bowed before His feet
Something about this drew
Him closer to my depth
It's said His feet are a place
Of highest worship they right
because right there my heart He saw
Right there His touch I felt
Loving me like morning dew does
when sometimes to the ground it comes
Softly like compassion to the soul

3. I lifted up to Him a prayer
Of repentance He heard it and all
My songs yes them also
The ones I sang then when love I thought yes
Yet love no
I didn't know then
That there are other things
that look like how
Love sometimes does

4. I lifted my hands towards Him
The messager saw my hands uplifted
Jesus saw my heart surrendering
People always see the outside appearance
Him He sees it all.
Both the outside and the inside alike
Jesus felt all of my wounds
I had let Him in on all my woes
He read it all
My secrets and books all alike
Looked at me with no judgement
Held all my pieces back together

I looked at Him with shame
Embarrassed of all my rags
He pulled me in for an embrace
And told me that daughter no
No longer will your face be covered
with Shame, or pain or tears

5. I lifted up my voice to Him and cried
Abba Father His spirit along with mine said
Yes that's what He is now
He looked at me with grace, grace
Something I had not know
I felt His eyes threading
Zig zags of love all over me
Something I had never thought possible
But I guess there is
A kind of gaze of love that knows
How to write us anew
And give us new experiences of mercy
That are wrapped up in love exactly
Expressed as sun rays most definitely Shining through just on us no doubting
This must be what love looks like, I now know

6. I sent to Him a thankgiving sign
A smile that transpires through and shines
Telling testimonies of how
He lifted me from death and paws of sin so sly
sin slides
So easily and strikes
Entangled I was
Now no longer I'm a child
Of God above I've been freed
Christ the saviour of the world
Truly you are

Now I look at Him with eyes
that dance with flickers of hope
I don't have to ask
No, I don't even wonder no more
God really loves all humans
Even one such as myself
Even one such as yourself fellow human
Ask Him He don't tell a lie

7. I laid at His presence
He looked at me with His soul
Something that only God does
Asked me a question
His voice sent feelings down up my spine
Sounds of vibrations all around and about
The earth quaked
Maybe it was this question.
"Have you ever met love before?"
He asked!

No Lord I have never
Well not until today
When to my rescue
You came!

Tattooed with invisible inks
I am
© Ludia M