

as tears stream down my face. I once again think of you . the one who made me this way . and now there is no room , everything feels like a race , even tho we left sand on the moon. there isn't even no brace for when my body slowly fades I cant really be in the mood
always remember my disgrace and always missing will too .
you taken me away to a whole new place I've never seen
was blinded and was stolen ,the most hard earned start vanished , was covered up with hate and more attitude .you would never truly feel the real loss if you had never worked or put time and effort . but years go by and now I'm better yet I still miss will. I hate the fact you can't comprehend what you did bad . and yet I live with it. while you laugh I'm still falling
balling. missing William still. you want me to be me . but me left when you entered I was left out while your were centered . blaintly left to always remember. and wish that I could see will . thoughts will never leave. the thought of lean and not being clean. yet I try because I die if I can't just chill and let life set me still and chance to survive thru the hills and the torture and pain for your game .

- Us & All Mine.