

A smile in ruinous endurance
(Collaboration with @Kagiso 💙)

Have we blurred reality to suit our convenience?
Have we closed the curtains of our souls?
Have we chosen how we wish to endure?
Have we locked the doors of self love?

Have we decided on the tools and methods that are best?
Or have we decided to bury ourselves in distraction?
Have we chosen the right bullet for the gun in our hands,
Trembling in fear as we feel insecure?

Have we been in an acting school all along?
Have we decided for our smiles to be strategic?
Have we let others call are pain "crocodile tears"
Those people truly don't know how it feels.

Have our hearts been complying with this method?
Have our minds found peace in a battle?
Have our thoughts been conspiring theories about future, or have we choosen darkness as a solution?

Why then do we yearn to move past a feeling we avoid?
Why do we wish to fill this void?
Why do we drown ourselves in entertainment for a while?
Why do we pretend that everything is fine?

Why then is it still coming back to us?
Why are we living in the hurtful past?
Why does it choose the midnight hour?
Why aren't the stars giving us any power?
Why do we feel the worst of all kinds?
Why are we believed to be all fine?

We are tired being tied!
We have had it, we don't blame it!
We have been through it, we will fight it!
We are ready to capture it!
We will take responsibility,
we will hold it there directly!
We will face it, we will fold it!
We will reshape it, make it swing !
We will overcome and blind it!
We will genuinely smile again!
We will let out tears down when we feel like that!

© All Rights Reserved Tigreb and @Kagiso

#collaboration #poem #Smile #Endurance