

Anxious Souls
Anxious Souls, Will you listen to my plea? only time will tell if you ever will possess prosperity within and out of your being,

The essence of your being cries loud to self but silent to everyone else, private wars fought within each, victory and defeat is all around me

The results of daily battles, have me living like an anxious animal , there are some seasons meant to destroy the soul, strength is required , to continue and move on

Anxious Souls , hold on, your choice today, to win at all cost, and defend your right to a great life , all have that right , Free to be anxious , which brings failure and defeat, Free to be brave , like a lion that's bold , no more anxious Souls,

Brave souls teaches the young and the old , no longer a slave to an anxious Soul , more and more anxious in today's world , remain brave throughout it all, taking courageous steps in your daily walk

Strength and perseverance exudes from this human being, the essence of this one is wisdom, knowledge, and understanding , this one guards the heart and soul , can't allow the world to access to your heart and soul , no more from it who stole

I look at my life, my world , my daily walk , I clearly see , replacinv anxiousness with peace , brought true happiness and makes free , anxious souls , end the season your in called worry , seasons of peace will be yours til the end of your story

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