

What's In This Night
once our eyes see
that y'all do not get it
what's that important
in a pandemic that
All. vibes
drop there knowledge
to that 80s music
which is never incomplete
I jam
I dance
I split to that ground
And turn every head
breaking. smiles
back an around
Then that guy says
you don't got to do these
pull a note
yeah take it an. show
Then disappear
So I don't
but I give a note to
Hey listen I am out of here
Then they give me a note
back so are we
We all to be flipping a screenplay
from home baby
And we mad and masking
all that energy
In to positive change for future
which will blow the cover
off my bed
at night time in the winds
of a very cold night
when all got that heat on in the car.

© Lash