

I don't express emotions through words,
it proves to overwhelming.
instead I speak through actions, in hope
you'll understand me.

you say that I'm emotionless ,
a cold hearted machine.
I brush it off and pretend to laugh,
you can believe what you believe.

I love,
so deeply and sudden, I can almost taste it.
I cry,
with an ache so sharp, I shatter from it.
I laugh,
with elation that allows me to soar.
and I scream,
with a fierce anger that peirces through air.

you don't know me,
at least not well, not much.
you never really tried,
though years you've had to search.

you think my heart is empty,
I think your head is too.
I've been shouting for you to hear me,
which I doubt you'll ever do.

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