

Prescription for Pain

With no guarantee and a sky filled with debris,
His world turned and grimaced,
A dry hiss of glee.
To the underworld he curled,
His soul is impure,
His wings are broken with sin,
As he recollected taking that last sip of Gin.

It rang out through the night, the shot with a cry -
There he lay dead and beside him, his sobbing wife.
Demented she tries to move on with her life.
But these tears that she fears drown her for years
Forcing pills down her throat, now that's all that she sews.

A prescription for pain to help her cope,
And their children just hope -
That one day daddy comes home 'Cause they still don't know,
The darkness took him, The despair that shook him.
The demons that haunted consuming him whole.

His spirit now wanders through the shadows of grief,
Lost in the echoes of silence, his mind never deems to be free.
Held captive and bound, by evil profound -
His sight fades from the laughter he once cherished when found.

© Words Of Anthrax