

A dog to his owner
#pet #dog #tired #owner #concern #worry #angst #petpov

can I come meet you?

or will you take me away

its just your visits are few

I wish you would stay

you leave through those doors

and you come back so tired

they keep asking more

and you just seem expired

but I'll greet you with a smile

with a stalwart hello

though I wish you would stay

I wish you wouldn't go

but I tried to stop you

because your happier here

but no matter what I do

you still go and I fear

that you won't come back

and i won't see your face

I'm afraid you'll Crack

I'm afraid you'll break

and i wont be thier

to pick up your pieces

that youll just stare

tired defeated

take me with you


-your dog

© A.A.Baker