

A Fairy-Tale Poem
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
People trembling in their homes,
Already preparing for what is worst,
Some saying their good-bys,
Completely giving up on their lives.

And yet, all the little crown wanted to do,
Was to politely force evreyone of you
to wake up and be truly alive,
to breake free from the beehive
you once were forced to accept as normality,
to accept as a wide spread mortality.

Yes, it was groansome and terrible,
an scary and almost unbearable,
but within disaster lies hope,
lies the certainty that we humans can cope
with more adversity, then we ever deared to think, that we can overcome,
for more powerfull than our adaptability and spirit is none.