

look alive....
As I sit back and roll up some ganja to smoke I reflect on all that is in my sight all that surrounds my life...ain't there something I need to improve or just tweek a lil for a better enhanced performance...a upgrade.
This isn't what I'd set forth to produce and it's bares no appealing attributes to be noticed and desired...by any even you, humiliation has snuck up on me shaming me...reality check...in progress.
The nude truth about what I'm seeing for the first time is not a pretty one, ugly as ever however I'm designed to improve...I'll only learn to get better with time...ot heals all wounds...I hope...I got nothin else left...but time.
Left to find reason by myself I admit Ive seen myself bein mislead into a trap by temptation and curiosity, barring down on me with enough force to kill someone, and I remained unbothered... and reserved my way to you...in me love with you is alive
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