

Troubled soul
Only tell me you understand me;
When you've stared at the mirror
Hands trembling, tears falling
Vision blurred, but clear enough
To point out the many flaws
That litter you
Only say you understand me;
When you lose everything
when you've been misunderstood
Too many a time
Cast out and humiliated
Hurt and insulted
Only say you understand me;
When it's 4:00am
And you're thinking about the things
You should have done
But never did
Silently begging for the tears to fall
To ease your pain
Only say you understand me;
When loneliness becomes your only friend
And you feel suicide lurking on each end
Cautiously calling you to your demise
You don't understand me!
You don't know, how it feels
To always be walking on steep edges
Constantly struggling to keep steady
Or it'll all be over
You don't know how it feels
Constantly washing away tears
That fell without permission
You don't know how it feels
Not being able to scream
At people society and the world as a whole
To call them hypocrites
For all the times
they portrayed you as the villain
You don't know how it feels
to yearn for someone -anyone
To notice it -to notice that you're dying
To see the pain in your eyes
To want them to realise.
How hard you try to hang on tight
You don't know how it feels
When failure slaps you each time
And pain laughs in your face
Yet you have to wear that smile
Cause it's the only thing
Human seem to understand these days
You don't know how it feels
To watch blood drip from you
Yet still craving more and more
You don't know what it feels like
Being tormented by a voice
Only you can hear
So NEVER say you understand me
Until you MEAN it

© oyindasola