

The Armor of Glass
“The exterior can only hide so much, it is surely an armor of glass”

The exterior can only hide so much
An armor cracked by years of silent wars,
Veins of the heart rust where the rain never touched,
Protecting a soul fractured, marred by unseen scars.

The armor whispers of battles within,
Where love once stood but could not defend,
A helm shattered, a mirror with broken pieces of no end.

A soul waning, lost in the fragments of the past,
A soul devoid of hope for a new morning, no longer seeking the dawn’s embrace,
Buried in dust where old ghosts musk,
Memories anchor, time cannot erase.

What remains when warmth has turned to stone?
When the world’s gaze freezes the fire inside?
Just a hollow shell, to the marrow alone,
A specter adrift, where dreams have died.

So beneath the surface, where darkness now thrives,
There’s nothing left,only emptiness survives.
An armor so fragile could not withstand,
An armor to distract,
An armor hoping to last,
An armor that was surely made of glass.
The exterior only hid so much.
~ Soundz
© Soundz