Staring at the walls...
As its closing in on me...
There’s demons in my mind...
That sodomise my sanity...
I’m shackled to desires...
I’m chained to fantasies...
Immortal is the lust...
That link me to my lechery...
I question who I am...
While I’m trying to find me...
Yet I’m trying to be seen...
As the man I was born to be...
Confusion takes my hand...
As my mind...
As its closing in on me...
There’s demons in my mind...
That sodomise my sanity...
I’m shackled to desires...
I’m chained to fantasies...
Immortal is the lust...
That link me to my lechery...
I question who I am...
While I’m trying to find me...
Yet I’m trying to be seen...
As the man I was born to be...
Confusion takes my hand...
As my mind...