


Playing with my wit twisted and slick
Forward she moves smiling with grace
Behind those smile lies her slimy trick
Waiting for me to fall in her muddy ruse

Her insanity diversify, tiptoeing on my flaws
Moving through her catacomb, pummels a dreary feel.
Like a savage queen she moves, smirking with insanity
Ready to plug the smile I try hard to keep.

Her laughers like a goddess enveloping the nocent within.
All I wanted was some little love
Not something camouflage in smiles and full of deems.
Playing me like a battered pawn, attacking all the steps I try to take.

With my little sword, I stretch to move
Like a tank she emerges.
Like a flower I tried to grow
Like a storm she destroy.

Conceal me like a puppet
A lost dog in conundrum,
She seem to be the queen of the board
Winning with her noxious insanity.

© Sage