

A word I believe is just a prettier way of saying addictions
Some find theirs in the bottom of a bottle, others find theirs in the inside of a pill box
Painting, pornography, exercising, the list is endless
As a means to escape their reality for a brief moment
Tragically, vices have been painted in a negative light by society
And engaging in these pass times, makes you a wretched individual
I too have my particular vices, and when life makes no sense, it is often then when they do
When I have no breath, they are like air to me
And for a moment or two, the unrelenting thump in my chest subsides
I realize that regularly engaging in these 'escapes' is unsustainable and harmful in the long run
But we're only here once, and we're mere mortal beings, desperate to feel some kind of joy amidst the decrepit, soulless world we reside in
Who am I to point the finger, when I have intimately danced in the depths of sorrow, and desperately desired to breath easily, freely, and maybe even without any damnating crutch