

The Day of The Forest Defender
Today is the most important day

You never hear of

The Revolution wont be Televised

Because Nihilionares Own the Reporters

Murdercops ate their boots on the ground

When you need a coo

They're never around

Its not for you

That they pound the ground

But their nihilionare masters

Landlords run thr local show

Mayors hiphop where they're wanted to go

Parties sold out to them long ago

Or did you think AIPAC was the beginning

Every city has a dem machine

They launder capitalist capital

In corruption unclean

And last year someone said


A motley crew of forest defenders

Protester tax payer funding of acab dead enders

They protested and then got shot

Now last time I checked

These folks has some rights

But thanks to the Roberts ape court

Cops have a constitutional blight

A hole you can drive a truck through

One year ago today

The cops murdered a martyr

That they're trying to cover up

False Rico Charges

50 Orange Jumpsuits under badges

So now we are on the cusp

Everyone in the know

To every city you go

Will be giving the murdercops a hard time

But know there thee Moe

The cops put on quite a show

But they work for the rich

And do not take a bite out of crime.