

I asked her for the happiest moment of her life
she answered, the day I was born
as from the dark clouds of a long dusk
I came for her as a dawn

My nonsense never bothered her
nor did my tantrums
always kept me as her princess
against all the terms

Picked me up and dusted me
everytime I fall down
giggled for making me laugh
when that fall
made me to frown

Just one gentle touch of hers
on the head and,
my every scar starts healing
even the biggest luxuries
can't buy me that feeling

Her love is more beautiful
than the snow on hills
she killed her dreams to
fullfill my wills

she is as gentle
as a feather
but stands strong for me
even in the harshest weather

Her blessings are priceless,
for giving me wings
to chase my dreams
what she had gone through
no one can guess

she's the most beautiful women I know
watching me fulfilling my dreams
is her biggest desire
she's the one I always admire

Nothing on earth
is enough in her praise
she herself is the god's biggest grace
until eternity I long for her embrace

She's the queen
without a crown
my guardian angel
sent from the heavens
to the ground
the woman like no other
Yes, she's my mother

© Minakshi Mishra