

What You Need To Do....
With each breath
You steal my soul

With each lie
So I do
Grow so old

With each broken promise
So slips away my adonis

On my knees
I beg please come back

This isn't you
You've fallen off track

Please don't berate me
For the love of christ
Cut me some slack

I miss you so
As I did the one who gave me life

You break my soul
It's shattered
Please God, this isn't right

I beg
I pray
With all my might

We both know
What you need to do

Each day you skip
Breaks me right in two

I beg of God
I beg of you

Please come back
Without you
I'm lost
I don't know what to do

My other half
The one who turned the dark to light

You promise you will
What am I missing from the good fight

Please my twin
When your broken, as am I

Can't you see I'm truly dying
With our connection are you supprized

I'll do all the work
You have but one task

You can't bullshit me
Don't bother with your mask

Please lets just try
Simply for one week

Please be straight
Never be oblique

For you
it's anything that I'm willing to do

For you the world I'll give
Trust my words
With me, never ever misconstrue

Please my heart
Simply do as I beg

It's for OUR own good

Without this simple action
Frankly we're both as good as dead

I'm crying for you
I'm dying for you

Tell me, tell me what to indemnify for

Seven days
Just give to me
You'll feel so much better
In return
To you I'll dedicate to you my eternity

Double God will give
For any grievance shall you suffer
Bliss awaits us both altogether
Be gone the pain of the past
Away, be gone any fear of Lucifer

Let the Lord light your path
For your heart, I'm the rightful abductor

Be healthy
Be Happy
Take care of you

It's all that I ask

Please no longer be blue
Take my hand
Trust my words
Know that my love is true

Now you know what you need to do