

My mind...Part 1
An endless abyss of disappointment
An endless wave of expectation
A never-ending want to be perfect
A constant reminder of the bad
A miniature amount of praise

The bar is set at 6'1
When you're just 5'6 in your platform shoes
The best days turn into the worst
Peace and quiet seem like a luxury
One that you'll never attain
Your achievements are good
Your expectations are greater

The bad is is seen
The good and sad ignored

Your anxiety is rising
Adding to your depression
Your dejection comes and goes
Like the wind...
It can be strong
Or it can just be a breeze

I wish time could freeze the happy moments
So that they'll never end...
And so that they'll never begin

You're so sad that you don't have happy dreams
Just the confusing ones
Adding to the difficult and confusing question you keep asking yourself:

#selfawareness #self-expression #lost #findingmyself