

peace not found
The car squealed loudly,
Hands thrown on my face quickly,
To unsee the scene about to be created.
Air and sound rush in my ears,
I'm fighting to block the images that rears;
The pushy crowd jostle me back to reality.
Heavy breathe, heaving chest, clenched fist, anxiety creeps its way on me.

Separate from the world,
In my space of emptiness;
Watching their stares of spite and pity;
I would disappear out of their city.
The days no longer hold warmth;
My soul tires;
These incessant battles;
Numb, ache, strain and strife;
Let me release my soul to freedom.

Kill the wailing;
Drown in the sound.
Pain in my bowels,
Bringing this misfortune upon myself;
Silence; a mystery, since your arrival;
Not even a pity for the one worthy of it;
How I hate this eyes filled with tears,
This mouth filled with want.
I desire peace, calm and sleep,
And the joy a birth brings to its mother.

© prandyada