

The Tortoise and Hare (reimagined)
It's a race the hare and the tortoise or turtle, just another obstacle to hurdle, or jump, push off with your feet lifting your rump, or bump, if set in concrete I believe it's a hump, or dip, going over to fast could dislocate a hip, or muscle, but this is a race so you'd better hustle, or run, I bet that stupid green road block is not having fun, or joy, with the lead that you have your for sure to destroy, or beat, when you cross the finish line won't victory be sweet, or pristine, it's just a fact that your faster your not being mean, or unfair, if the roles were reversed would anyone care, or expect, how far to the finish line haven't you checked, or inquired, that's the wrong map that's old and expired, or maxed, this is the wrong race your on the wrong tracks, or lane, the turtle will win this is insane, or crazy, you better move double time you can't afford to get lazy, or rest, well you lost but even in wrong, you did your best, your amazing.
© Xplicit Kontent