

the forever after and always ,Kind.
weary soul!
troubled mind..
heavy heart...
ever so kind..
sweet spirit!
tender eyes.!
lost hope!
I pray someone finds...
tired love...
bloody wrists
exhausted faith
broken confidence.
disrubted peace
destroyed will
gone desires
a heavy heart that was kind and then killed.
cruel hands that demolished all the good.
evil that wreaked havoc solely because it could.
innocent smile.
eyes now pale ghostly white.
skin like snow.
crushed dreams
empty though once filled.
alive and pure now killed
laying on the ground silence no more disturbed,finally peace
what once wreaked havoc seems to have all but ceased.
this is where it ends with a wearer soul, .pounded heart chaotic mind,that despite the unfathomable odds remains stopped and forever after and always kind....

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