

Festive Echoes, A Peotic Transition To The New Year

It is hard to imagine what a new year would bring,
Amidst the elegant jubilations and the Christmas songs we sing,
We are often left with festive echoes lingering within,
Echoes of doubt,
Echoes of Grief.

Echoes asking us a thousand questions,
Echoes asking us if we'd make the same mistake twice?
Echoes asking us if we'd take the heartbreaks of this year over to the next?
Echoes begging us to forgive and forget the pain and sorrows of loved one's we'd lost.

It's hard to ignore this festive echoes
because they come once in a year,
They remind us that whilst we enjoy the festivities of the new year,
We are bound to reflect on our actions of the past year,
Hence we make the same mistakes we'd made last year, this year.

© Nwachukwu Sopuluchi