

Grateful Journey
The sun rises and sets everyday,
An unbroken cycle of hope,
An awakening of expectations...

As I explore through the journey of gratefulness, every morning, when I rise. While building a determination to maintain, a grateful demeanour, wherever the songbirds fly. Referring to the levels of blankets woven into the distant sky. Where I shall release eloquent words, that praise the sunrise. After my intellect ascension as a preface, receiving energies specifically for the mind's eye. Remaining hopeful to the influences, where faithfulness reside. I am not alone in my quest to live life as a righteous explorer. Practicing the precepts written in scriptures, everything seems to be relevant, forevermore. Lessons learned. Experiences shall sometimes make difficult turns. Into a life filled with interesting intrigues. Faith returns when the journeyman needs. To face the world sometimes standing alone. Where we live as residents knowing this space below is not our home. Faith leads us everywhere. Sometimes the journey we visualize is not very clear. Faith inspires our decision to live as we ought to. Remembering the aqua blue sky we face, knowing we shall elevate beyond the moon. Into the arms of the creator. Residing forever. I am of sound mind when I recognize who I am. And the person that I must be. Parallel to the person that I shall be. Grateful journey
© Daniel Mason

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