

Today when I look around
I see the world changing.
Some achieving all that they've dreamt of
Some wishing they could go back in time to start all over again
And some wondering what the future holds for them
So I ask myself where do I stand
Since life itself is full of uncertainties
At one time it is good
At another it is deteriorating
Good to have people around
But hurts to know you never meant the world to someone
Others say I shall but
I say I will
To the world you are somebody
but to somebody you are the whole world.
When we started the race of life we were 100
Some quit before we got to the middle.
Maybe they are the "joinders"
They only joined the race to make you strive hard to win
When we got to the middle we were only few
This was were the physical and mental strength was needed when the going got tough.
Some failed to use it so they quit but
Surprisingly,this was were I saw those who called themselves

---priscilla Martin ❤️❤️❤️