

keep running
the sun promised to fill your cup
with enough light to see how it looks at the end of that treacherous tunnel.
now start running
take a new path, through this field.
run far through the tall grass and you'll grow tall enough to see above it.
run far though the tall grass and
you'll find yourself among it.
oh, i promise, i swear on the light in your cup.
don't drop it now or you'll forget where you're running.
look up, the sun is telling you something.
so are the birds
and the coulds shaped into hands you have yet to hold.
feel the wind pushing against you
pushing you back.
it's meant to do that don't worry,
you'd run too fast if it pushed you forward
if that was so, you'd miss it all.
just remember why you're running.
© tebelloavara