

Confessions of an alcoholic
It started as a drinking game... every other weekend then it became every weekend.

My moods began to shift, with every word that was spoken to me.

Soon enough I became hooked. The drinking game turned to an everyday battle within my self.

Family and friends begged of me to get help.

But I love my demons to much to let them go.

The closer I pull my demons in, the more at home i felt.

Fake smiles, fake personalities I pursue just to make it throughout the day.

Just to rush home or a near bar and turn the bottle upside down.

My demons are calling, and I must answer. Who am I to not.

The warm taste of bourbon always seems to make every pain I ever encountered disappear.

How do I stop now? How can I?

I lost who I was a long time ago. I dont know how to get her back.

Trying to get help with a demon on my back is a battle I'm bound to lose.
