

The Map
People often say, “Isn't the Bible just a story made up by people from long ago.”
Then I say, “It is a story, yes, but it is so much more, and you should know,
that it's a love letter from our Father God to his children,
people like me and you.
It's a guide for this crazy journey we call life.
It's the true definition of soul food.
Yes, it was written by people
but inspired and breathed to Life by our Father God.
His word is what we call it
and from it, we can not hide.
It is the must-have that we all need
on this insanely unstable ride.
Jesus came to this world
to teach us and ultimately die for our sins.
He sent God's Holy Spirit to those of us who believe, and He called us His brothers, His sisters, and His friends.
The Bible tells us his story and shows us how to make it home
to our Father God through Jesus, He who is the key.
There, we will live In Perfect Harmony,
for no more pain or tears shall there ever be.
So yes, the Bible is a story, but it is so much more I say.
It's our Map to the Key that unlocks eternity in our forever home,
beyond the narrow gated way.”

© AdrianeDSteele84💜