

Dear Mummy
Dear mummy
It's been 365 days since your demise,
a cold day with raindrops spilling from the skies.
I am sure the heavens wept for your demise.
Now a year has passed and the world has moved on without you
the grandchildren that you love so much have started to forget you...
but, can you blame them
or the world for moving on with you on the ground?
Even your closest neighbors can't recall; that the current occupant of the house you left behind was not their neighbor, to begin with,
rather your demise gave room to the stranger they now call; neighbor.
Neighbor... hmmm!
how can I forget that for a time I was your neighbor,
living under the roof that you toiled to build; eating from your kitchen, and wasting your food.
If only I could see you now, to tell you that you are the one woman I admire.
My mother!
mummy, I miss you.
I get teary-eyed every time that I think of you,
and I don't pretend to be a bible scholar. But
the same bible that you rested upon on your death bed promised the earth in inheritance to the meek.
so why?
why are you not here, since you are so meek and just?
You were untainted by the wickedness that surrounded you and you strived on countless occasions to help the weak.
so why?...
why do you have to leave so soon when the earth is yours to inherit?

52 weeks have passed since your demise, and
I still can't get past the question: why?
Maybe, I am still in denial
because I sit here every day fantasizing about a future that will never come,
not in this lifetime anyway.
I fantasize about a gathering with all of us present, and in all of my fantasies, we were happy and content with you
here with us.
But that will never happen; Death has made sure of that.
still, I cannot help but wonder about the joy that will fill your heart to see your children pull up in a convey,
Even the ones overseas, who you will never see or touch again because the cold hands of death have forever shut your eyes.
If we could, we would trade the world to wake you from this slumber. But, like our love for you and yours for us, this sleep is forever.
so as you continue to rest in the bosom of the one who knew you first, remember the permanence of our love for you.
we will cherish every moment you gave us until our slumber comes. Goodbye Mummy.