


The sky was pitch black,
The twinkling stars didn't seem to - twinkle
The streets were lonely,
She had to walk back home.

With fear gripping her heart,
With sweat dripping her forehead
She walked through the street,
To reach home.

She could hear her heartbeat,
She didn't run
Behind her footsteps were heard,
She didn't stop to turn back.

But she wasn't fast enough,
Weaker sex the society called her
So it became easy for man,
To over throne her.

Finally, he laid hands on her,
She cried and begged
She called you,
Brother, please chetta, baiya, please stop.

Didn't she respect you even then,
With a brain full of lust and mess
You pulled her dress low,
And touched her curves.

How awkward she felt,
Closing all her windows,
She finds it hard to breathe
She suffocates and closes her eyes forever.

- Katherine Phebe
© Katherine Phebe