

We died but I'll live again
Death brings some relationships together and severes another alas, you had the chance to reconcile but in the refusal to put away your pride you refused to do the one thing that was necessary, apologize; but here comes death, snatching the people you love away, preventing you from ever seeing them again talking to them again or even holding them, my heart breaks for you, for 'tis now too late, I can't undo what you said, and what you didn't say, what you've done and refused to do. All I can do is be there a shoulder to cry on figuratively, for this death did the unthinkable, it completely broke the bond that held us together... the last chord has broken, each time someone dies another is born, and I know after this darkness has evaded love will resurrect an will once again captivate mind body and soul
© Alloy Miller