

Summer of Love
Doth fall those sedate shiny feathers again
As touch the surface , heavenly colours of green
Piercing the heart those eyes with sheen
Does run the clock leisurely or fast
Aren’t those glances so close or far
Ah! When summerly gusts thronged with rose
Flash the cheeks with kisses up close
Elation of mine is greater than that
When do flicker thou those eyes so bright
Always I wondered where is the red wine
Oh my love! Just those lips of thine
In the deep and dark days of mine
Embarked a dazzle so great so fine
Up and over do those Jays fly
Eternal life or stay with thee
Won’t I choose the first for free
For love you can be the guiding light
Even when eternity goes to hide
Love of mine is yours to take
Ah! Those eyes or are some lake
Oh my love my darling my all
Together shall us be fine so very soon
For love you’re my nectar during the dazzling noon

© aadil wani