

"Sunflower Serenade"

In fields of gold, where sunbeams dance,
Stands a flower bold, in a vibrant trance.
Its petals stretch towards the sky,
Like golden rays, reaching high.

Oh, sunflower bright, with face so fair,
You follow the sun, without a care.
From dawn till dusk, you turn and sway,
Chasing sunlight throughout the day.

Your petals spread, like a fiery crown,
A beacon of warmth, you never frown.
Bees buzz 'round, in joyful thrum,
As you bask beneath the sun's warm hum.

In summer's embrace, you stand tall and proud,
A symbol of joy, your colors loud.
But as autumn nears, your seeds take flight,
To spread your beauty, in morning light.

Oh, sunflower dear, with petals aglow,
Your beauty shines, wherever you go.
A reminder of nature's grace and power,
In every field, you are our flower.
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