

Lonely, Again
Alone again, like it used to be.
With no one to talk to but myself.
Alone again, with just me.
With just silence as a company.

Darkness envelops my whole body,
Trapped in an unknown misery.
Sleepless nights on my bed,
While demons whisper inside my head.
So I tried to write this letter for you,
To try and understand.

Dear lonely, I feel so sad again.
Though I don't want this to happened.
Dear lonely, I don't know who else to tell.
It seems like no one listens.
Dear lonely, would you please tell them to lend their ears?.
So I could atleast have someone to talk to about my fears.

And as I wake up from this trance,
While my shadow helds me hostage with his dance,
And wipes my tears with his hands.
I now try to understand.

That my soul was never whole,
And I was never fixed.
My heart has an empty hole,
And it can never be stitched.

The lonely and the broken.
Those whose faces are always hidden.
From the reality of what's within.
The saddness of being lonely again.

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