

Threw out old boxes,#Lovenotes

Old swaggled torn love notes
Time did not weary their coloured ink
Lest they be strewn into dark corners of the hearth
Whose name does it carry?
Whose tale does it unfold?
Whose naive thoughts does it hold?

A delicate string of emotions bond them on a Damascus rose
Her light needled stem held them oft thru the whispering tales of woe
Her petals smiled as they bore the kisses of the lovers
Enarmored by the rich colours of the lady's auburn hair
That lay braided in a fish tail.

Light filtered through the myriad of colours that danced upon them ,
At twilight and purple dusk;
And the letters within sent ringtones to their laughter,
The rose shrivelled as it clutched on to this fantasy ,
That lay like a mirage over my pupils wide.

Yesteryears unfold as each time I touch these notes,
I'm not a coy lady of sweet teens anymore.
MY mind's traversed to the wondrous paths of life's cobbled ways,
Lest I must be so unforgiving to these notes penned awhile.

These mighty desires of an innocent heart
That swayed to and fro to my mind's delight;
Yet another year another fear be rotten within my soul,
I've learnt to record them in these love notes so dear.
That bears the vindications of a lost era bygone.
