

Eid's Embrace: A Poem of Gratitude and Guidance
The end of Ramadan is bittersweet,
As we bid this holy month retreat,
The fasts, the prayers, the deeds of good,
Now come to an end, as we knew they would.

But fear not, for Eid is here,
A day of joy, love, and cheer,
As we gather with family and friends,
Our hearts filled with gratitude that never ends.

We feast, we laugh, we embrace,
Thankful for Allah's boundless grace,
And as the day draws to a close,
We reflect on the blessings He bestows.

For though Ramadan may be gone,
Its lessons and virtues live on,
In every prayer and deed we do,
May Allah guide us to stay true.

So let us carry on with love in our hearts,
And strive to do our very best parts,
For we know that Allah is always near,
To guide and bless us throughout the year

© Mindful Mosaic