

When you're at the bottom
So dark place no one is here
Guess they gotta strength to bear
My head moves up cutting the waves of water
And my ears tilt up to hear

Someone groans, gulps and screams
The sound is low inside the streams
The weakness in my body holds
I realise it's not like it seems

At the bottom, there's a death bed
One can't move, so heavy is the head
"But you've to get up and rise"
I can remember, that's they said

Let's not die here but in the air
On the shore like them as it's fair
Hope gave my hands the power to move up
The one up there kept giving a glare

My head comes up the water level
Finally discerning, the scene is marvel
Though the shore is not seen
So just keep swimming with power double

#englishpoetry #inspiration #bounceback

© Rashi